Thursday, December 07, 2006

BOboum... BOboummmm...

BOboum... BOboum...
pounding headache; is the noise inside my head or around it? i don't know anymore...
BOboum... BOboum...

i miss my friends who are abroad, and i don't fault them for wanting stability; this is the price for leaving your home and family... stability and the possibility of a future...

right now, there is no peace, even its illusion has faded and been replaced with the stark reality: protests, bombs, interviews, statements, posters, flags, camps, and people...we do come at the end of the line, almost forgotten, bearing the brunt of it all... people who have been pulled into a lose-lose situation...

Christmas is just around the corner, but where is the Christmas spirit of love, understanding, joy and giving?? I think it has migrated with the birds fleeing the cold, ugly, winter... the winds have swept through us and left us bare, branches sticking out, piercing the sky, so uncomfortable even the cats do not grace them with their presence... the moon, draped in a veil of clouds, shines warily in the night, casting its eerie glow over protesters and supporters alike... it warns... but who will heed the warning?

BOboum... BOboummmm... echo in my hollow heart... where shadows play in the recesses of a country torn apart by freedom...


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