Thursday, March 11, 2010

Moving to Clara's Melody

The fleeting moments of my last night in Torino brought tears to my eyes...
it was an extremely moving performance about the life of Clara Schumann...

What followed was an intimate exposure of a woman's life, in all its glory, sadness, joy, love, extasy and torn decisions... in her ups and downs... a woman in every sense of the world, no little girl, but a full fledged woman whose heart bore the scars of every battle fought, without ever losing her hopeful spirit...

I was consumed by the performance...
hearing it through the earpiece translated from italian to french
Captivated by the 2 women on stage:
One giving words to her emotions
One putting notes to her soul

Leaving me feeling Clara's pain,
her drenched sorrow,
her sacrifice and her triumphs...

Her inner battle with who she was,
what she could be...
what she should be...
what she Wanted to be...

Her responsibilities and her desires...
her failures and her successes
her music, her melody

The anguish
and melancholy
her husband felt
and that consumed him

Her disappointment...
that her love was not enough
to pull him out of it...
but that was all she could give

Her love of light... and dawn...
that fought away the darkness
and opened up a new opportunity
for work and play

The intensity of 
her honesty with herself
her fingers gliding over the piano
pouring it into her very soul
and from her soul to mine...


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